Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 1, 3:26 am

Alright so I finally decided to look into this whole blog thingy, I figure I am going to need to start learning how to use this eventually for business why not start now. Currently I am enrolled as a senior in Columbia College Hollywood in Tarzana, CA and I recently started a series of courses entitled "Production Workshop" these classes are designed too give us as students the chance to create our thesis film projects which can be; a short film we want to make, a full length movie script we want to write, or any crew work we want to do in our time here.
I started this class about a month ago with three potential projects to work on which I will discuss more in depth another day. Currently, however, I have two major projects. one is a short gangster film entitled "Monroe" and another is a Web-Sitcom called "Strangely Progressive" both projects are really going to push me as a filmmaker to an extent that I have never even attempted before and I am happy about that. Anyways seeing as how it is late and I have to write a 7 page script for class this afternoon I am going to get some sleep and wake up bright and early tomorrow.

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